FoE-Amerika: Engagement für ein anderes Demokratieverständnis als Donald Trump

„Friends of the Earth“ aus Amerika gehört zu den zahlreichen Organisationen in Amerika, die sich derzeit konsequent dafür einsetzen, dass die Wahlresultate in Amerika anerkannt werden. Darüber hinaus ist FoEAmerika aber auch besorgt, über die generellen Verhältnisse in Amerika. Zitiert aus ihrer E-mail (Stand Freitag 6.11.2020):
„Thank you for the well wishes and solidarity. (…). We are mobilizing with partners and allies from across the United States in rallies and protests aimed to “protect the results” and “count every vote” (rally image attached). This apparent victory though, comes with troubling realities. As many of you have pointed out, this election is not a repudiation of Trumpism, if not for the pandemic, I believe Trump would have won the election overwhelmingly. Trump and the Republican party have opened a pandora’s box.
Their nurturing of racist, xenophobic, and misogynistic views (grounded in white male fragility) over the last four year will unfortunately take a generation to heal (if ever). These views were already in the American psyche but Trump and the Republican Party have created a twisted legitimization and normalization of them. I don’t have an answer for how the country grows from this moment. I do deeply believe, however, that the intersectional work of movements for justice must be a part of the healing and generational conversation we need to have. “
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