Contact your local politicians: Make repair more affordable – introduce a repair bonus on a local level !


Who doesn’t wonder why more of our appliances are not being repaired? A variety of initiatives, including repair cafés, are actively engaged in this field. Additionally, an important concept is the “repair bonus” offered by municipalities.

Mouvement Ecologique made detailed suggestions to the communes, how to introduce  such a bonus on a local level – so please call on your local authority if you think such thing is needed! Not replacing items with new ones when they have just a minor defect is particularly important and a very simple measure to save resources. Unfortunately, however, depending on the device, repairs can often be quite expensive compared to purchasing a new one, which is why people often react promptly by opting to “discard it.”Another discouragement is often the fact that the cost estimate for the repair already costs money, so that people shy away from the repair.


This is precisely where the repair bonus plays a role!

The idea is simple: the municipality contributes to the cost estimate / repair costs or the cost of the required spare part (if you want to repair a device yourself or go to a “Repair Café”).

Every year, each resident is entitled to a fixed amount of money (Mouvement Ecologique / Oekozenter Pafendall suggest €200) for repair services.This reduces the cost of repairs for the individual, saves resources and also supports local businesses.

Mouvement Ecologique and Oekozenter Pafendall have issued a thorough detailed statement outlining recommendations to municipalities regarding the implementation of such a repair bonus. Although the government is currently examining how a national repair bonus can be introduced, municipalities – 27 (!) of which are already doing so – can take on a pioneering role by directly introducing a municipal bonus and thus possibly also accelerating a nationwide introduction.

Below, Mouvement Ecologique and Oekozenter Pafendall have formulated a series of detailed recommendations on how the repair bonus can be introduced:

  1. a) The subsidy is specifically targeted towards residents of the municipality, who are eligible to receive a maximum annual amount for repair services. This amount can be used for repairs, spare parts and/or cost estimates and will be reimbursed after submission of the invoice to the local authorities.
  2. b) Repairs, spare parts and cost estimates for various items such as household appliances, electronic devices, textiles, furniture, garden equipment and tools are eligible. A negative list can be drawn up of items that are not subsidised, as well as repairs that concern third-party claims or warranty claims. Service and maintenance work is also not eligible.
  3. c) Residents of the municipality are eligible to claim the repair bonus.
  4. d) The amount of the repair bonus is up to 50% of the costs with a maximum reimbursement of up to €200 per person per year, estimates and spare parts can be deducted from this.
  5. e) The repair bonus can only be redeemed at businesses listed in the Luxembourg commercial register.
  6. f) The municipality should provide information about the repair bonus on an ongoing basis, both to citizens and to the participating businesses, in order to ensure the success of the initiative


The suggestions for the Repair Bonus are integrated into the “Rethink” initiative, which receives financial backing from the Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Biodiversity.


Which local authorities already have a repair bonus?

Beckerich, Bettembourg, Boulaide, Differdange, Dudelange, Ell, Esch-Alzette, Esch-sur-Sûre, Goesdorf, Grousbous/Wahl, Hobscheid, Junglinster, Kayl, Kehlen, Luxembourg, Préizerdaul, Rambrouch, Redange, Roeser, Saeul, Steinfort, Strassen, Useldange, Vichten, Wiltz, Winseler, Waldbillig.  You can find details at


Did you know that there is special support for financially disadvantaged households when appliances need to be replaced? For households that are experiencing energy poverty and are supported by a “social office”, support for replacing inefficient household appliances is facilitated through specialized guidance provided by Klima-Agence, with substantial co-financing from the Ministry of the Environment (MECB). Municipalities have to add this offer to their information on the repair bonus (when introducing one). Further information can be found at


You will find all the all detailed documents in our download section, however, they are only available in German or French. If you need some further information, please contact us at

