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Our successes

A commitment that pays off

The Mouvement Ecologique has now been around for over 40 years! Therefore, the Mouvement can look back on a number of very concrete successes. Only 4 examples are mentioned here as examples.

Caricature energyFor a different energy policy:

One of the first dossiers in which the Mouvement Ecologique participated concerned the planned nuclear power station in Remerschen, which was prevented thanks to the commitment of many. Today’s commitment to renewable energies has developed from the opposition to nuclear power – the preservation of the valuable Haff Réimech nature reserve has been secured, and a nature park at the Three-Country Corner is under discussion.

BusFor mobility with a future:

Back in the 1980s, it was hardly possible to talk about the expansion of bus and rail, the promotion of walking and cycling. Certainly: even today there is still a lot to do. But at least something has happened: there has been a change in general awareness … The expansion of public transport, 30 km/h speed limits, the promotion of soft mobility are shaping the debate today more than ever…

Nordstad5To safeguard our landscapes – for better land-use planning:
“Déi scheinsten Landschaften fir Leit mat Suen” was a campaign run by the Mouvement Ecologique with its regionals nationwide – with mixed success. Urban sprawl continues, biodiversity has, but there seems to be a change of heart. The Protected Landscapes Plan is to become a reality, nature and landscape conservation also play a role in new development plans, a National Action Plan for Nature Conservation has been drawn up, and much more. And above all: regional cooperation between municipalities is gaining in importance.

gemengekommissiounen_seminar_2007_januar_26_aTowards a sustainable municipal policy:

One of the first actions was the topic “Fir eng nohalteg Gemengepolitik”. Concrete proposals were systematically published, training events organised, again with success. Thanks also to a Mouvement Ecologique, the municipalities recognise the eminent importance they have in sustainable development … A lot is happening here: in the areas of climate protection, nature conservation and citizen participation!