The environmental problems associated with the use of pesticides are well known: the disappearance of species, water pollution, and so on. As are the negative effects on health linked to direct consumption or dispersion in the air.
On Thursday, 27th February 2025 at 8 pm at the Hotel Parc Belle-Vue, 5, av. Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg.Bernd Ulrich, has been working as a journalist since 1991. He has written for FAZ, FR and taz. ‘If politicians even hint at impositions, the citizens become an angry people,’ is one of the central statements made by Bernd Ulrich, together with Hedwig Richter in their recent book “Democracy and Revolution”.
De Mouvement Ecologique ass weiderhinn net op Twitter / X, bleift awer nach präsent op Facebook. Ma mir wëllen awer eis Präsenz an de sozialen Netzwierker ausbauen a sinn ab elo och op Bluesky vertrueden!
more...Wednesday, 12 February 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at the cultural centre ‘Tramsschapp’, 49 Rue Ermesinde – 1469 Luxembourg. February 2025 marks the official launch of a European Citizens’ Initiative – House of Europe! The common goal: to ensure that the EU sets the course for making the renovation and conversion of existing buildings more attractive than demolition. This is to be achieved together with stakeholders and citizens from across the EU.
more...The world of automobiles will be in the spotlight again in 2025 with the Autofestival in Luxembourg. The internet portal is once again shining a spotlight on electric models this year, because only these can be operated in a climate-friendly way using renewable energies.
more...This week, Lydie Phillpy is presenting a Celery lamb’s lettuce with roasted walnuts
more...Dans une lettre commune, le Pesticide Action Network Europe et plus que 80’autres organisations européennes – dont le Mouvement Écologique – se sont récemment adressésà la Commission européenne (Ursula von der Leyen, commissaires concernés, etc.).
more...This was the question posed by Prof. Dr. Maren Urner, neuroscientist, author and professor of transformation design, during an online conference organised by the Mouvement Ecologique with 93 participants to provide new food for thought for overcoming the current crises.
more...On Wednesday, 5th February at 8 p.m. at the Hotel Parc Belle-Vue, 5, av. Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg. In his lecture, Beckert will present his analysis and approaches for a “realistic” climate policy—providing a foundation for lively discussions.