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Regional Uelzechtdall

It has existed for over 10 years, the Regional Uelzechtdall of the Mouvement Ecologique. Strongly anchored in its municipalities of Walferdingen, Steinsel, Lorentzweiler and Lintgen, the Regionale is primarily active at the level of regional development and quality of life: Cooperation between the municipalities in the Alzette Valley, for better mobility and traffic calming, for the design of a coherent cycle path network, for a more attractive design of the localities … are some of the issues the Regionale is committed to. But citizen participation and cooperation is important. For example, the municipality is represented in a number of advisory commissions and regularly organises information events.

The following municipalities belong to the “Uelzechtdall” region: Lintgen, Lorentzweiler, Steinsel and Walferdingen.

Contact address:
Camille Muller:
Marc Fischbach: