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    More selective promotion of e-mobility – having the courage to beg big climate killers to pay!
    It is already clear that the 2024 Autofestival, which started this weekend, will (once again) feature ever...
    ©SIP/ Claude Piscitelli Photo de famille du gouvernement
    Coalition agreement of the new government: Positive accents, but a fundamental approach to reform from a sustainability perspective is missing
    The coalition agreement of the new government includes a range of instruments in the various areas of...
      A Roadmap for the parliamentary term 2023-2028 – Socially, ecologically, and just
      Now it is available, the comprehensive publication of the Mouvement Ecologique with 152 pages of concrete...
        Round table: What position should we take on the issue of growth? What kind of spatial planning policy for the future?
        On Thursday 5 October 2023 at 6.30pm in the Cercle Cité auditorium, 3, rue Génistre, Luxembourg