Letter to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Lex Delles, with key questions on the expansion of heating networks

The heat revolution is certainly one of the most difficult tasks to be solved in the field of energy transition. Heat networks play a key role in this. Numerous municipalities are aware of this fact and want to push ahead with their construction as quickly as possible. The only problem is that this is proving to be quite difficult under the current conditions. Too many questions remain unanswered, such as who would be the most suitable operator, how maintenance costs can be regulated, whether or not it makes sense to have a compulsory connection, and much more. On the one hand, there are numerous legal questions, but on the other hand there are also aspects where it makes sense for the state to develop guidelines rather than each municipality having to do this work individually.
The Mouvement Ecologique has therefore recently compiled a list of key questions that it believes should be addressed by the Ministry and has forwarded these to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Lex Delles. The Mouvement Ecologique hopes that these suggestions will be incorporated into the future law on heating networks.
The letter to Minister Lex Delles (in French) can be found in the downloads.