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A Roadmap for a Social-Ecological Transition – A Democratic, Sustainable Community


The 152-page publication of the Mouvement Ecologique with concrete suggestions for a sustainable municipal policy is finally available.


This roadmap aims to provide those active in the municipalities (candidates for elections, municipal officials, technicians, members of advisory commissions, committed citizens) – beyond the municipal elections – with concrete pointers for a democratic, lively and sustainable municipal policy.


You can download the French or German version of the roadmap by switching this page to the respective language. Or you can order a German printed copy. Price: 15.- € (incl. postage) or from 15 copies for 12.- € (incl. postage).


Orders via e-mail: secretariat@meco.lu or tel. 439030-1 or by direct bank transfer with the reference “Municipal Elections” to:


CCPL: LU16 1111 0392 1729 0000 or BCEE: LU20 0019 1300 1122 4000


You will find articles on the following topics:

DEMOCRACY – Lively communities with citizens who get involved.

URBAN DEVELOPMENT Planning attractive communities together with residents

NATURE & LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION – Promote regional and organic agriculture

FOREST Conscious management of community forests in the interest of people and nature

MOBILITY – From car-friendly to lively, people-friendly, green communities

ENERGY AND CLIMAT Communes as pioneers in climate protection

REGIONAL ECONOMY Focus on local businesses, regional production and the circular economy

FINANCES – Put financial policy at the service of an ecological-social transition!

ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE PROTECTION Active communities in resource protection and for a healthy and liveable environment

WATER, FOUNTAIN OF LIFE Municipalities assume their responsibility

HEALTH PROMOTION An attractive community through improved well-being and preventive health protection

OPENING UP THE SCHOOL AND THE “MAISON RELAIS” TO SOCIETY Kanner a Jugendlecher als vollwäerteg Partner ugesinn

NORTH-SOUTH POLITICS Think globally, act locally

At this point, a very warm thank you to the approximately 100 members who actively participated in the creation of this roadmap.