A Roadmap for the parliamentary term 2023-2028 – Socially, ecologically, and just
Now it is available, the comprehensive publication of the Mouvement Ecologique with 152 pages of concrete proposals for the upcoming national elections in Luxembourg! The Roadmap offers not only valuable guidance for voters, but also concrete suggestions for policy makers to promote and implement democratic, vibrant and sustainable policies in Luxembourg.
The brochure contains detailed analyses of various policy areas, including the economy, energy policy and climate protection, education and health. With its comprehensive approach, it gives readers an insight into the vision of the Mouvement Ecologique for a sustainable future of Luxembourg.
You can download the key suggestions in English in the download area, or switch to the German or French version of this site to get the full booklet in the respective language.
A german print version can be ordered. The price is € 15 (incl. shipping) or € 12 (incl. shipping) for 15 copies or more.
Orders via e-mail: secretariat@meco.lu or phone 439030-1 or by direct bank transfer with the reference “National Elections” to:
CCPL: LU16 1111 0392 1729 0000 or BCEE: LU20 0019 1300 1122 4000
In it you can find the following topics:
DEMOCRACY – A sustainable future needs a living democracy and civil society
EDUCATION – System instead of patchwork – Addressing the challenges of our time
NATURE & LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION – Préserver les ressources naturelles et les moyens de subsistance
REGIONAL PLANNING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT – From upgrading regional planning to dynamic and sustainable village and urban development
URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING POLICY – For a people- and climate-friendly urban and village and village development and housing policy
MOBILITY – Initiate a real paradigm shift
ENERGY POLICY & CLIMATE PROTECTION – More than ever before, the social challenges par excellence
ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – Luxembourg needs a debate on sustainable economic and financial policy
AGRICULTURE – For a fundamental reorientation of the agricultural policy
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY – From rather defensive to offensive environmental protection
WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT – Ressource Wasser – Schutz einer Lebensgrundlage
HEALTH CARE POLICY – Health policy is more than just curing illnesses – all policy areas are challenged
EU POLICY – More transparency at national level for European decision-making processes