Beautiful wild plants in your garden or on the balcony

If you didn’t have time to sow wildflower seeds in autumn, now is your second chance to get active. In March and April – preferably when a few days of rain are forecasted – you can sow your wildflower seeds, or even just create a wildflower strip. The wildflower seed mix for Luxembourg was created by the Nature Conservation Syndicate SICONA and the Natural History Museum, together with biological stations and other partners. The seed mix is mainly produced by Luxembourg farmers – entirely without the use of pesticides.
There are three different mixtures to choose from :
- LUX – Flower Meadow (Blumenwiese) : This seed mixture is particularly suitable for fresh locations with low nutrient levels. Price: 100g; approx. 25m2: €13 for members of Mouvement Ecologique; €15 for non-members.
- LUX – Colorful Edge & Butterfly Plants (Bunter Saum & Schmetterlingspflanzen) : This mixture can be sown in sunny locations, such as along a path, where you want to quickly have many flowers. Price: 100g; approx. 50m2: €12 for members of Mouvement Ecologique; €14 for non-members.
- LUX – Gravel Lawn (Schotterrasen) : The gravel lawn mixture can be sown on compacted substrates – e.g. gravel, sand, or crushed stone – with only a small amount of humus. Price: 100g; approx. 25m2: €11 for members of Mouvement Ecologique; €13 for non-members.
A detailed description of the various mixtures can be found on the website of Rieger-Hofmann:
How do I sow a wildflower meadow?
It is important to properly prepare the soil before sowing. It is best to prepare the soil shortly before a longer rainy period. If it does not rain, you should water every 2-3 days to allow the small plants to emerge and develop their roots. Once the wildflowers have emerged, they no longer need to be watered and require minimal maintenance. Detailed instructions on how to establish a new wildflower meadow and how to care for it properly can be found in the brochure, which is only available in German or French – ‘Establishment of natural green spaces in urban areas – A practical guide for municipalities and interested parties – („Anlage von naturnahen Grünflächen im Siedlungsbereich – Ein Praxisratgeber für Gemeinden und Interessierte“). This brochure, only available in German and French, can be purchased for €2.5 at the Oekozenter Pafendall or borrowed for free from the Oekobib.
Ordering Wildflower Seed Mixes
To order the seed mixtures, you can email: (Additional costs for shipping: < 500g: €2; up to 2kg: €4) or you can pick them up during the opening hours at the Oekozenter’s office: Monday & Friday: between 9 am and 12 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm.
The establishment of species-rich flower meadows helps to support biodiversity by providing habitat and food reserves for various insect species. These meadows offer many insects living space and food resources. For further information on the seed mixtures and how to create a flower meadow in your garden, please visit