Online zoom event: To Change Direction towards Social Justice How unfairly wealth is distributed and what should be done about it

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#_EV_DATES - 15/05/2024
18:15 - 20:15


Mouvement Ecologique and Action Solidarité Tiers Monde ASTM are pleased to invite you to an online conference on the topic:


To Change Direction towards Social Justice – How unfairly wealth is distributed and what should be done about itTo Change Direction towards Social Justice How unfairly wealth is distributed and what should be done about it


Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 18.15 pm


Conference with Manuel Schmitt, consultant for social inequality at Oxfam Germany

Oxfam has been publishing extremely insightful reports on the global distribution of wealth for years.

These show increasingly alarming pictures of how unequal this distribution is.

The basic thesis of OXFAM’s analysis are clear: social inequality is increasing rapidly

“The multiple crises of our time have devastating consequences for the majority of humanity.

Hundreds of millions of people are facing with dramatic increases in the cost of everyday goods and are at risk of poverty and hunger. And while the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects are still
causing a lot of suffering, the climate crisis is destroying the livelihoods of more and more people.”

According to Oxfam, the crises also produce a few winners. “Corporations are making record profits and the richest people are getting richer, leading to an explosion in social inequality that is reaching ever more extreme proportions.”

According to Oxfam, the deeper root of this worsening inequality lie in our economic system, “whose guiding principle is to prioritize profits for corporations and their owners to ensure consistent compliance with human rights and the protection of the earth.”

Governments have a responsibility to “eliminate extreme inequality and set the course for an economic system in which the common good of all trumps the profits of a few.”

But what helps against extreme inequality?

“A central component is the taxation of the richest parts of the population, especially the richest percent, which owns 45.6 percent of the world’s wealth,” agues Oxfam. It is a crucial step to get extreme inequality under control and to give governments the financial leeway to create health, education and social security systems that are accessible to all and to invest in gender equality and anti-racist action.

Sustainable development cannot be achieved at the expense of socially disadvantaged sections of the population or the global south: ecology and social justice are two sides of the same coin. In the run-up to the EU elections, it is therefore necessary to focus on these fundamental challenges.


As part of the event, Manuel Schmitt will present the detailed results of the analysis and at the same time present Oxfam’s concrete demands.


The event is also intended to provide suggestions for concrete demands in the context of the upcoming EU elections.



Manuel Schmitt is a consultant for social inequality at Oxfam Germany.

Oxfam is one of the world’s largest emergency relief and development organizations. They fight extreme poverty and social inequality with over 75 years of experience.

Together with around 3,000 partner organizations, Oxfam is active in around 80 countries. Pressure is also being exerted on politics and business – with creative campaigns, technical discussions and public actions.



Registration – Practical information

To take part in the online zoom event, interested parties are invited to register via e-mail at, or by phone 439030-1. An access link with all the additional information will be sent to them before the conference.  


