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Position paper on the possible regulation of new genetic technologies – According to the European Commission’s plan, new genetic technologies would bypass safety tests – Letter to the Minister for Agriculture


Dear Minister Haagen,

we, the undersigned organisations, would like to use this letter to inform you of our concerns regarding the current proposal of the EU Commission on the regulation of new genetic engineering (ngt). Attached you will find our letter to you with the information and studies available to us, which strengthen our position. We would like to ask you to continue to take a critical stance towards new genetic engineering and, for example, to continue to call for the precautionary principle, transparency and extensive risk assessment without exception. The Commission’s current proposal should therefore be rejected.


Yours sincerely, the undersigned organisations:


Greenpeace Luxembourg, natur&ëmwelt, CELL, Lëtzebuerger Landesverband fir Beienzuucht, astm, Mouvement écologique, SEED, Bauerenallianz, Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg and Lëtzebuerger Landjugend-Jongbaueren.


You can find the statement or the press release in the downloads (in german).



