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ILRES survey commissioned by the Mouvement Ecologique shows clear mandate for government action

How important is biodiversity? What are the values in Luxembourg? What do respondents think of our social and economic model? What are their expectations of the government in the field of sustainable development?


The opinion research institute ILRES, commissioned by the Mouvement Ecologique, conducted a representative survey among 1012 residents between 27 September and 4 October 2023. The survey covered people aged 16 and over living in Luxembourg. Of these, 59.4% had Luxembourg nationality.


The preservation of natural resources, the greening of localities, the promotion of togetherness instead of material goods, the reduction of dependence on economic growth and the targeted use of financial incentives and public funds are central expectations shared by many respondents.


The results of the survey, according to the Mouvement Ecologique, represent a clear mandate for action by the government.


In the download area you will find a brochure presenting the results of the survey, a short presentation of the results and a detailed report on the survey.




“Lichtblicke zum Mentalitätswandel” – Article in Tageblatt 28.10.2023

“Ein klarer Auftrag an die Regierung” – Article in Luxemburger Wort 28.10.2023

“Majoritéit vun de Leit wëll, datt Lëtzebuerg méi nohalteg gëtt” – Report on RTL Lëtzebuerg