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Conference: The new report to the Club of Rome: „Earth for All – a survival guide for humanity“

The Mouvement Ecologique – with partner organisations ASTM, Caritas, CELL, EBL Lëtzebuerg, Etika, Fairtrade, Greenpeace, IBLA, Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg, Life, natur&ëmwelt, Oekozenter Pafendall et SOS Faim cordially invites you to a conference:

50 YEARS AFTER «THE LIMITS TO GROWTH»: The new report to the Club of Rome: «Earth for All – a survival guide for humanity»


When: Monday, 20th February 2023 at 8 pm

Where: „Robert Krieps“ room of the Neimënster Cultural Center, 28, rue Münster, Luxembourg-Grund.


The Club of Rome and its report „The Limits to Growth“, which appeared in 1972, shaped the discussions on sustainable development like hardly any other document. For the first time, scientists, business leaders and politicians from 53 countries drew attention to the overburdening of the planet with „alarming scenarios for the future“. The book shook the world‘s belief in progress.

„50 years after its publication, renowned Club of Rome-scientists once again look into the future – and present a recovery plan for our crisis-ridden world“ is a commentary on the recently published book „The New Report to the Club of Rome. 50 years after „The Limits to Growth“ – Earth for all – a survival guide for humanity“. Jørgen Randers, member of the Club of Rome and co-author of the book, will present the core elements in his lecture.


The lecturer: Jørgen Randers is professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School. He has always worked on issues of the future, especially related to sustainability, climate, and energy. Professor Randers lectures and provides advice all over the world, and increasingly in China. He has spent one third of his life in academia, one third in business, and one third in the NGO world. He was president of BI Norwegian Business School 1981-89, and Deputy Director general of WWF International 1994-99. He has been the chair of three Norwegian banks, non-executive member of numerous corporate boards, and member of the sustainability councils of three multi-nationals. Furthermore, he is a full member of the Club of Rome and is the founding chair of the China Association for the Club of Rome. Professor Randers has written many papers and books, starting with co-authoring The Limits to Growth in 1972. His recent writings include „2052 – A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years“ in 2012, „Reinventing Prosperity with Graeme Maxton“ in 2016, and „Transformation is feasible!“ with Johan Rockstrøm and others in 2018.


Please register to allow a good organization: meco@oeko.lu
The conference will be held in English and simultaneously translated into French.

