Bankrupting Nature, Denying our Planetary Boundaries

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#_EV_DATES - 26/03/2014

Hotel Parc Bellevue


Vorstellung des Berichtes des „Club of Rome“ durch Anders Wijkman am Mittwoch 26. März 2014 um 18.30 Uhr im Hotel Parc Belle-Vue, 5 avenue Marie-Thérèse

Mit einer Eröffnungsrede von Carole Dieschbourg, Umweltministerin

Die Konferenz findet in englischer Sprache statt, eine Übersetzung auf französich ist aber gewährleistet.

Invitatioun Caritas Club of RomePresentation of the Club of Rome report by Anders Wijkman ‘Bankrupting Nature, Denying our Planetary Boundaries’

Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 6.30 p.m. Hôtel Parc Belle Vue, 5 avenue Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg

With an opening speech by Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg Minister of the Environment

As part of the Club of Rome’s 2052 campaign, the thought-provoking book by Johan Rockström and Anders Wijkman ‘Bankrupting Nature ‘Denying our Planetary Boundaries’ argues that only a radically-changed economic system can respect planetary boundaries and human development.

Anders Wijkman will formulate concrete recommendations on necessary political and economic changes. He will start from the fact that planetary boundaries are not compatible with the idea of continued conventional growth. It is urgent to adopt a more holistic approach to human development in order to strengthen the planet’s resilience and its ability to continue providing a ‘safe space’ for human development and wellbeing. There are serious shortcomings in mainstream economics to enable a transition to a green and inclusive economy. The book’s arguments are familiar but rarely have they been gathered together in one place to clarify the links between politics, economics and ecology. The speaker is co-president of the Club of Rome and former Member of the European Parliament and Policy Director of the United Nations Development Programme.

Conference organised by Caritas Luxembourg
in collaboration with Mouvement écologique, Action Solidarité Tiers Monde and Conseil supérieur pour un développement durable

with the support of the Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, Direction de la coopération au développement et de l’action humanitaire

Media Partners: Woxx / Radio 100.7 / Luxemburger Wort

Free entry
Drinks offered after conference
The conference will be held in English, with translation to French
Schedules for public transport can be found under


Invitatioun Caritas Club of Rome