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Nouvelles de Friends of the Earth (FOE): Incendies de forêts en Australie

Comme vous le verrez également dans le nouveau numéro de Kéisecker info, nous ferons à l’avenir un reportage sur les nouvelles des Amis de la Terre dans le monde entier :
Actuellement, bien sûr, les incendies de forêts en Australie provoquent un large échange d’informations dans le réseau du FoE. On a demandé aux collègues australiens comment ils pourraient être soutenus. À la demande expresse des collègues australiens, voici leur lettre. Ils aimeraient surtout que les incendies en Australie incitent encore plus de personnes dans le monde entier à s’engager activement dans la protection du climat.
En ce moment, bien sûr, les incendies de forêt en Australie provoquent un large échange d’informations au sein du réseau FoE. On a demandé aux collègues australiens comment ils pourraient être soutenus. À la demande expresse des collègues australiens, voici leur lettre.Wie Sie auch in der neuen Ausgabe des Kéisecker info sehen werden, berichten wir Ihnen zukünftig über die Nachrichten von Friends of the Earth aus aller Welt:


A letter from Friends of the Earth Australia

Australia is experiencing an unprecedented fire crisis. 10 million hectares have been burned already. Nearly
2000 homes have been destroyed and many lives lost. The fires are so immense they have created their own weather systems, sparking more fires by generating their own dry electrical storms. Firefighters have never seen anything like it.
Scientists are now saying many billions of animals are likely to have perished in the fires. Despite huge efforts being made to save thousands of burned and orphaned kangaroos, koalas and other animals, the impact on our biodiversity is likely to be devastating. And it’s only the start of our bushfire season. After our warmest year on record in Australia, we only expect conditions to worsen as we move into February and March. We are in a state of anxiety, shock and grief. Many of our staff, volunteers and the communities we work with have lost homes and environments. Many in our networks, including myself, have been taken away from our jobs to take up volunteer firefighter and emergency services roles. Our role in standing with the community, protecting each other and rebuilding our communities is crucial in times like this.
The amazing thing about being part of an international federation like Friends of the Earth has been the outpouring of messages of support from all around the world. Thank you for those messages. They have helped lift our spirits and made us feel less alone. Many people have asked how they can help.

What would really help us is for you to get active in your local campaigns to keep fossil fuels in the ground: to transform our energy systems and to mobilise for the system change we know is the only way we can mitigate more warming and protect communities across the world from disasters like this. We know that FoE Luxembourg is although very active in this fight. Solidarity and local campaigns matter, as only together, with action from the local to the global and can we stop dangerous climate change. What is happening in Australia right now is a warning to the world, a call to action, and we ask you to keep fighting with us for climate justice.

From Cam Walker and all the staff and volunteers at Friends of the Earth Australia


Please find below details of blogs, RWR interview and social media from FoE Australia, FoEI, CJE and RWR.

FoEI Blog
Unprecedented bushfires in Australia and flooding in Indonesia: the devastating extremes of climate impacts
Now more than ever we need system change to protect the climate and biodiversity



Real World Radio
“The best way to help is to get involved: transform our systems to put communities and the environment first”, Foe Australia.



FoE Australia
Greenies, arson & bushfires – A summer of disinformation



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