Déclaration de protection des données « Stop glyphosate »
Your data will be used exclusively for the work of WeMove Europe SCE and Mouvement Ecologique asbl.
We will not sell your information and guarantee not to disclose any of your personally identifiable information unless we have your explicit permission. If you sign a petition on meco.lu, we might ask you in a confirmation email to give us the permission to give your email address to the initiator of this petition. We use industry-standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, such as firewalls.
You can contact us at any time by email, letter or telephone to change or update or make us delete your data. You can unsubscribe from receiving emails from us at any time, using the unsubscribe function on emails or by emailing us meco@oeko.lu .
We store the data of our supporters deliberately exclusively on servers in Europe and are subject to German and European data protection regulations.